Colorado NorthSide Table Tennis
Louisville Recreation & Senior Center
900 Via Appia Way
Louisville, Colorado 80027

DenverNorthside Table Tennis
Sanctioned by the USATT (1-Star Event)
Location: - Moore Middle School – 8455 W. 88th Ave - Arvada – Colorado 80005
Date: - Saturday December 2nd
Check in: - 8:00 - 8:45
Schedule: - Warmup / Practice begins 8AM. Events begin 9:15AM
Format: - 50 player Giant Round-Robin (10 groups of 5) in the morning.
- This will create 10 players in each division (A – B – C – D – E)
- each division of 10 will be split into two groups of 5. This will create 10 groups of 5.
- The top 2 from each group will advance to a single elimination playoff.
Awards: - $350 (1st à $200 2nd à $100 3rd à $50) in prize money for top level (A) events.
Medals/Trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place all other events.
Venue: - Rubberized floor gym, full barriered courts, 35 ft ceiling, Bleacher / Courtside seating.
by Mail: - Mail form/check to: Peter Christofolo - 8728 W. 95th Ave -Westminster, CO 80021
online: - Online payment is available
Cancellation Policy: - Full refund less $5 if cancellation received by November 26th 2017.
Eligibility: - USATT Membership or Tournament Pass; USATT regulations apply.
Equipment: - 11 Joola 3000 SC tables - Nittaku Premium balls.
Clothing: - No white, pale gray or light yellow shirts. USATT dress code will apply.
Spectators / Family: - No charge for spectators, bleacher and court side seating.
Tournament Directors: - Peter Christofolo
Tournament Referee: - Gordon Kaye
Name: _____________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
City/St/Zip: _________________________________________
Country: ____________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________
Birthday: ____________ Club: _______________________
USATT#: ________ Rating: ________ Expires: _________
I agree to comply with all USATT regulations and the rules of good sportsmanship. I accept full responsibility for my participation and relieve the DenverNorthside Table Tennis Club, The Moore Middle School and Moore Middle School PTO, Jefferson County Schools, and the USATT of any liabilities for injury to myself or damage to my property. I authorize DenverNorthside Table Tennis Club to use any photographs taken during the tournament on their website, news outlets, Youtube, or tournament sponsors' websites.
Signature: _______________________________________________
USATT MEMBERSHIP (check only one)
_______ $0 Current Member
_______ $20 Tournament Pass
_______ $45 Junior / College
_______ $75 Adult one year
Event Fee
___X___ $50 Giant RR Entry Fee
_______ TOTAL (enclose check)