Colorado NorthSide Table Tennis
Louisville Recreation & Senior Center
900 Via Appia Way
Louisville, Colorado 80027

Beginning Adult Class Description
Class is held on Wednesday from 6:15 to 7:15
This beginner class is the most important part of a young or older players development in the game of table tennis. Learning different parts of the games comes from many sources, Being trained by a certified coach, watching players live or on YOUTUBE, taking advice from a friend or discovering things on your own. With all these sources, one thing is a must. You must know, understand and be able to demonstrate basic knowledge about RULE OF THE GAME, TERMINOLOGY, GRIP, STANCE, POSITION ON THE TABLE, BASIC STROKES, TOUCH ON THE BALL, CONTACT POINT ON THE BALL, and of course SPIN OF THE BALL.
These topics and more will be the main focus along with physical conditioning and eye - hand coordination development.
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